Whether you are selling or leasing your property, one of the first things you ensure is that the required RCD's and Smoke alarms work and are compliant.
It is therefore imperative that whether you are selling or leasing a property, that you obtain an electrical safety certificate for RCD and smoke alarm compliance.
Many real estate agents will also request this inspection certificate to ensure the safety of their tenants and potential buyers.

It is a legal requirement that you have an electrical safety certificate completed by a licensed electrician to confirm that your property has been tested and complies with government standards and building code. It is also a legal requirement to have a minimum of two functional RCD’s fitted and to have hard-wired smoke alarms no more than ten years old in all properties that are currently rented or are for sale.
The Building Regulations 2012 (the Regulations) in Western Australia require the owner of a dwelling to have compliant smoke alarms installed:
i) prior to the sale or transfer of ownership of the dwelling; ii) where a dwelling is rented under a residential tenancy agreement or made available for such rental; and iii) where a dwelling is made available for hire.
What is a compliant smoke alarm?
To comply with the Regulations, owners must ensure that the smoke alarms:
are in accordance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) applicable at the time of installation of the alarms. (The BCA specifies the relevant edition of the Australian Standard for residential smoke alarms (AS 3786) and location requirements);
are not more than 10 years old at the time of the sale, transfer of ownership, or making the dwelling available for rent or hire;
are in working order; and
are permanently connected to the mains power supply (hard-wired).
More info from the government links can be found here -
If you need a compliance check for RCD’s and smoke alarms or to get an electrical safety certificate to ensure that all the electrics at your property is compliant and in line with government regulations, we recommend hiring a licensed electrician from Verlek today.
Smoke Alarms Powered Through A Security System
Smoke alarms that are powered through a home security system in dwellings subject to sale, rent or hire may not comply with the requirements for smoke alarms.
While the home security system may be on 240 volt from the consumer mains power, a feed of 12 volt to the smoke alarm would not comply with the requirement for smoke alarms to be permanently connected to consumer mains power.
The power for smoke alarms must be separate to the power source for the home security system and the smoke alarms permanently connected to consumer mains power.
Why do I need an electrical safety certificate ?

An electrical safety certificate is not only an essential safety precaution but also a legal requirement. As a landlord or authorised real estate agent, you have an ethical obligation to ensure that your home is safe for your tenants or prospective buyers. This includes making sure that your building has compliant smoke alarms and reliable RCD protection. Getting an electrical safety certificate from a licensed electrician is your guarantee that any electrical work carried out at your property has been done so by a licensed electrician and is safe for both you and your tenants, employees or prospective buyers.
How can I get an electrical safety certificate ?
Here at Verlek Electrical Solutions, our team of licensed electricians can issue you a same day electrical safety certificate. All of our electricians are fully qualified and insured and are available for fast same day service. Moreover, our team of licensed electricians can assist you in not only providing you with an electricity safety certificate, but can perform electrical inspections, electrical testing and electrical repairs. We can also assist you if you need a compliance check for your RCD or smoke alarm unit.

How do I check my property for RCD and smoke alarm compliance ?
By ensuring that your RCD (Residual Current Device) and smoke alarms are compliant with government regulations and safe to use, you are potentially saving lives. Indeed, as the property owner, it is your responsibility to check that both the RCD and smoke alarms in your property are maintained and always remain in working order. The best way to check if your property is RCD and smoke alarm compliant, is to hire a qualified electrician to carry out compliance checks for RCD’s and smoke alarms at your property.
Indeed, once the compliance checks for RCD’s and smoke alarms are complete, the electrician will issue you with an electricity safety certificate for your records so you can ensure your property is safe and compliant with government regulations for any future rentals or sales of the property.
Do I need an RCD compliance check ?
An RCD, or residual current device, is a life-saving device which instantly cuts the electricity supply if you touch something live, such as a bare wire. An RCD can also prevent you from receiving a fatal electric shock and protect you against electrical fires. As a result, the law requires that every property has a minimum of two RCD's installed before it can be sold or rented.
Indeed, it is advised to have an RCD compliance check if you intend to rent or sell your property or if you are worried that your RCD is tripping. If you are unsure if you need RCD testing or would like to book one in today, we highly recommend that you speak to one of our team of licensed electricians to discuss your requirements.
Do I need a smoke alarm compliance check ?
In addition to having two RCD's installed, it is also a requirement to have hard-wired smoke alarms, no more than ten years old, in any property that is either for rent or for sale. Battery operated smoke alarms are no longer sufficient, and it is now the responsibility of the owner to ensure that the smoke alarms are not only in working order but are permanently connected to the consumer mains power and in accordance with the Building Code of Australia.

It is advised to have a smoke alarm compliance check if you intend to rent or sell your property. It is also recommended to have a smoke alarm compliance check if your smoke alarm is chirping as this can signal a malfunction. Indeed, our team of licensed electricians can perform smoke alarm compliance checks if you are planning on renting or selling your property or are wondering why your smoke alarm is chirping, as well as perform smoke alarm installation, smoke alarm replacement and smoke alarm servicing.
We highly recommend that you keep your property safe and book a safety check with our team of highly experienced professional electricians to ensure your property is compliant with government guidelines today.